World Health Organization & United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Assessing Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs and Resources: Toolkit for Major Humanitarian Settings. Geneva: WHO, 2012.
Category Archives: Period 2010-2012
The Development and Psychometric Properties of the Humanitarian Emergency Settings Perceived Needs
Maya Semrau, Mark van Ommeren, Monica Blagescu, Andre Griekspoor, Louise M. Howard, Mark Jordans, Heidi Lempp, Anita Marini, Jon Pedersen, Isabelle Pilotte, Mike Slade, Graham Thornicroft (2012). The Development and Psychometric Properties of the Humanitarian Emergency Settings Perceived Needs (HESPER) Scale. Am J Public Health. 102:e55–e63. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2012.300720
Posttraumatic Growth: Challenges from a Cross-Cultural Viewpoint
Vázquez, C. Pérez-Sales, P Ochoa, C. (2012) Chapter 4 Posttraumatic Growth: Challenges from a Cross-Cultural Viewpoint.
Atención a los problemas de salud mental en situación de catástrofes y emergencias
Pau Pérez-Sales (2012). Atención a los problemas de salud mental en situación de catástrofes y emergencia.En Desviat M, Moreno A. Acciones de Salud Mental en la Comunidad. Asociacion Española de Neuropsiquiatria. Coleccion estudios n 47, pg 659-672
Necesidades de salud mental en victimas de violencia política – Bases para la planificación de servicios en la Región de Huancavelica
Carmen Sánchez Romero, Irina Kohan Revsin, Edith del Pino, Teresa Cárdenas, José Luis Huapaya, Sabina Rojas, Blanca Cid, Pau Pérez-Sales (2012). Necesidades de salud mental en victimas de violencia política – Bases para la planificación de servicios en la Región de Huancavelica.
Revista de psiquiatría y salud mental “Herminio Valdizán”. Vol XIII(2) 23-36
Representaciones sociales del pasado: la dictadura militar argentina en la memoria colectiva
Maitane Arnoso-Martinez, Ainara Arnoso-Martinez, Pau Perez-Sales (2012). Representaciones sociales del pasado:la dictadura militar argentina en la memoria colectiva [Social representations of the past: the Argentine military dictatorship in collective memory]. Revista de Psicología Social 27 (3), 259-272
VIVO Questionnaire: A Measure of Human Worldviews and Identity in Trauma, Crisis, and Loss
Pau Pérez-Sales, Francisco Jose Eiroa-Orosa, Pablo Olivos, Elena Barbero-Val, Alberto Fernández-Liria & María Vergara (2012): Vivo Questionnaire: A Measure of Human Worldviews and Identity in Trauma, Crisis, and Loss—Validation and Preliminary Findings, Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress and Coping, 17:3, 236-259
La culpa traumática y sus contextos: reflexiones sobre una psicología de las decisiones morales
Pérez-Sales, P. La culpa traumática y sus contextos: reflexiones sobre una psicología de las decisiones morales [Traumatic guilt and its contexts: reflections on the psychology of moral decisions.]. 2011. Átopos, 17
Building Back Better Sustainable Mental Health Care after Emergencies
World Health Organization (WHO). Building back better: sustainable mental health care after emergencies. WHO: Geneva, 2013.
Instrumento para la valoración de la competencia intercultural en la atención en Salud Mental (IVCI)
Fernández Liria, A y Pérez-Sales, P (2011): Instrumento para la valoración de la competencia intercultural en la atención en Salud Mental (IVCI) [An instrument for the assessment of intercultural competence in mental health care (IVCI).]. Dirección General de Salud Pública y Sanidad Exterior del Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad, Madrid
Intervention, International Journal of Mental Health
Intervention, International Journal of Mental Health (Special Issue) 9-1. 2011. 195-210 , The Netherlands
Psychological first aid: Guide for field workers
Organización Mundial de la Salud, War Trauma Foundation y Visión Mundial Internacional (2012). Primera ayuda psicológica: Guía para trabajadores de campo. OMS: Ginebra
Research Priorities for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Settings
TolWA, Patel V, Tomlinson M, Baingana F, Galappatti A, et al. (2011)Research Priorities for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Settings. PLoS Med 8(9): e1001096. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001096
The Humanitarian Emergency Settings Perceived Needs Scale (HESPER): Manual with Scale
World Health Organization & King’s College London (2011). The Humanitarian Emergency Settings Perceived Needs Scale (HESPER): Manual with Scale.Geneva: World Health Organization.
Violencia colectiva y creencias básicas sobre el mundo, los otros y el yo: Impacto y reconstrucción
Arnoso, M, Bilbao, M.A, Techio, E, Zubieta, E, Cárdenas, M, Páez, D, Iraurgui, I, Kanyangara, P, Rimé, B, Pérez-Sales, P, Martín-Beristáin, C, Díaz, D y Blanco, A. Violencia colectiva y creencias básicas sobre el mundo, los otros y el yo: Impacto y reconstrucción. En Páez, D, Martín Beristáin, C, González, J.L, Basabe, N y De Rivera, J, (2011): Superando la violencia colectiva y construyendo cultura de paz. Ed. Fundamentos, Madrid
[Collective violence and basic beliefs about the world, others and the self: Impact and reconstruction. Paez, D, Martín Beristain, C., Gonzalez, JL, Basabe, N and De Rivera, J, (2011): Overcoming collective violence and buildindg cultures of peace. Ed Fundamentos, Madrid]
International Sociological Studies in general population on the perception of violence and reparation to victims: data review and comparison
Pérez-Sales, P. Estudios sociológicos internacionales en población general sobre la percepción de la violencia y reparación a víctimas: revisión de datos y análisis comparado. En Páez, D, Martín Beristáin, C, González, J.L, Basabe, N y De Rivera, J, (2011): Superando la violencia colectiva y construyendo cultura de paz [International Sociological Studies in general population on the perception of violence and reparation to victims: data review and comparison. Paez, D, Martín Beristain, C., Gonzalez, JL, Basabe, N and De Rivera, J, (2011): Overcoming collective violence and building cultures of peace.]. Ed. Fundamentos, Madrid.
Protocolo de abordaje psicosocial para la adopcion de medidas de atencion integral, atencion y acompañamiento psicosocial a las victimas del conflicto armado
OIM, & Ministerio de Proteccion Social. (2011). Protocolo de abordaje psicosocial para la adopcion de medidas de atencion integral, atencion y acompañamiento psicosocial a las victimas del conflicto armado [Protocol of psychosocial approach for the adoption of measures of integral care, attention and psychosocial accompaniment to the victims of the armed conflict].
Principles and Minimum Standards for psychosocial work in search processes in forensic investigations in cases of forced disappearances, arbitrary or extrajudicial executions
Susana Navarro, Pau Perez and Kemjak Franc (coord) Global Consensus of Principles and Minimum Standards for psychosocial work in search processes in forensic investigations in cases of forced disappearances, arbitrary or extrajudicial executions, 2011
Integrating mental health care into existing systems of health care: during and after complex humanitarian emergencies
An Intervention Special Issue: Integrating mental health care into existing systems of health care: during and after complex humanitarian emergencies , en Intervention, International Journal of Mental Health (Special Issue) 2011. 195-210.
Integrating mental health care into existing systems of health care: during and after complex humanitarian emergencies: rethinking the experience.
Pau Perez-Sales, Alberto Fernandez-Liria, Florence Baingana & Peter Ventevogel. Integrating mental health care into existing systems of health care: during and after complex humanitarian emergencies: rethinking the experience. en Intervention, International Journal of Mental Health (Special Issue) 2011. 345-357.
If You Could Only Choose Five Psychotropic Medicines: Updating the Interagency Emergency Health Kit
van Ommeren, M., Barbui, C., de Jong, K., Dua, T., Jones, L., Perez-Sales, P., … Saxena, S. (2011). If you could only choose five psychotropic medicines: updating the interagency emergency health kit. PLoS Medicine, 8(5), e1001030
Emergencies and disasters as opportunities to improve mental health systems: Peruvian experience in Huancavelica
Irina Kohan, Pau Perez-Sales, María Huamaní Cisneros, Rolando Chirinos, Ruben Perez-Langa, Miryam Rivera Holguín, Blanca Cid & Arturo Silva. Emergencies and disasters as opportunities to improve mental health systems: Peruvian experience in Huancavelica, in Intervention, International Journal of Mental Health (Special Issue) 2011. 195-210.
Book review – Bearing Witness.
Pérez-Sales, P. (2010). Book review – Gautier A, Sabatini A (ed.). Bearing Witness. KARNAC, London. 2010. Intervention, 11(3), 349–352.
Acompanyament psicosocial en els processos d´exhumació a Amèrica Llatina
Susana Navarro, Pau Pérez Sales, Alberto Fernández Liria (2010). Acompanyament psicosocial en els processos d´exhumació a Amèrica Llatina [Psychosocial Support for exhumation processes in Latin America.]. Revista d´Estudis de la Violència. 11:1-26
Exhumation Processes in 14 Countries in Latin America
Susana Navarro, Pau Perez Sales, Alberto Fernandez Liria (2010). Exhumation Processes in 14 countries in Latin America. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology. 2(2) 48-82
Exhumations in Latin America: Current Status and Pending Challenges: A Psychosocial View
Susana Navarro-García, Pau Pérez-Sales, Alberto Fernández-Liria. (2010). Exhumations in Latin America: Current Status and Pending Challenges: A Psychosocial View. Peace & Conflict Review. 4(2) 1-16
Las emergencias humanitarias y catástrofes como oportunidades estratégicas de cambio en los sistemas de salud mental.
Kohan I, Pérez-Sales P.Humani M, Chirinos R. Pérez-Langa R. Rivera M. Cid B, Silva A. (2010) Las emergencias humanitarias y catástrofes como oportunidades estratégicas de cambio en los sistemas de salud mental. El caso del Plan Regional de Salud Mental de Huancavelica (Perú) [Humanitarian emergencies and catastrophes as strategic opportunities for change in mental health systems. The case of the Mental Health Regional Plan of Huancavelica (Peru).]. Cuad. Psiquiatr. Comunitaria, Vol. 10, N.º 1, pp. 49 – 57, 2010
The pain of impunity. A psychosocial look on impunity. “Sofia” Plan in Guatemala
Miryam Rivera, Pau Pérez-Sales, Nieves Gómez, Susana Navarro (2010). The pain of impunity. A psychosocial look on impunity. “Sofia” Plan in Guatemala. In Sofia Operations Plan, CC.OO. In Sofia Operations Plan. Fundación Paz y Solidaridad. Madrid.
Transitory ischemia as a form of torture: a case description in Spain
Pérez-Sales P, Fernández Liria A, Parras M (2010). Transitory ischemia as a form of torture: a case description in Spain. Torture. 20:2. 104-107
Identity and Trauma in Adolescents within the Context of Political Violence
Pérez-Sales, P. (2010). Identity and Trauma in Adolescents within the Context of Political Violence:A Psychosocial and Communitarian View. Clinical Social Work Journal. 38:408–417