Author Archives: Pau Pérez Sales

Current debates, developments and challenges regarding torture, enforced disappearances and human rights

Duhaime, B., Méndez, J., & Perez-Sales, P. (2021). Current debates, developments and challenges regarding torture, enforced disappearances and human rights. Torture Journal, 31(2), 3–13.

Beyond torture checklists: an exploratory study of the reliability and construct validity of the Torturing Environment Scale (TES)

Pérez-Sales, P., González-Rubio, R., Mellor-Marsá, B., & Martínez-Alés, G. (2021). Beyond torture checklists: an exploratory study of the reliability and construct validity of the Torturing Environment Scale (TES). BMC Public Health, 21(1), 372.

Torturing environments and multiple injuries in Mexican migration detention. Humanities and Social Sciences Communication

Manek, J., Galán-Santamarina, A., & Pérez-Sales, P. (2022). Torturing environments and multiple injuries in Mexican migration detention. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1).

Hunger : Deprivation and manipulation of food as a torture method . State of the art in research and ways forward

Pérez-Sales, P. (2020). Hunger : Deprivation and manipulation of food as a torture method . State of the art in research and ways forward. Torture Journal, 30(3), 3–19.

A review and proposal for an international standard of a minimum of six hours of continuous sleep in detention settings

Pérez-Sales, P. (2020). The 6/24 rule: A review and proposal for an international standard of a minimum of six hours of continuous sleep in detention settings. Torture Journal, 29(2), 1–10.

Refugee Camps as Torturing Environments—An Analysis of the Conditions in the Moria Reception Center (Greece) Based on the Torturing Environment Scale.

Pérez-Sales, P., Galán-Santamarina, A., Zunzunegui, M. V., & López-Martin, S. (2022). Refugee Camps as Torturing Environments—An Analysis of the Conditions in the Moria Reception Center (Greece) Based on the Torturing Environment Scale. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(16).

From sexualized torture and gender-based torture to genderized torture: The urgent need for a conceptual evolution

Pérez-Sales, P., & Zraly, M. (2018). From sexualized torture and gender-based torture to genderized torture: The urgent need for a conceptual evolution.
Torture Journal, 28(3), 1–13.

Internet and communications as elements for CIDT and Torture. Initial reflections in an unexplored field

Pérez-Sales, P., & Serra, L. (2020). Internet and communications as elements for CIDT and Torture. Initial reflections in an unexplored field. Torture Journal, 30(1), 5–22.

Psychosocial and community assessment of relatives of victims of extra-judicial killings in Peru: Informing international courts

Rivera-Holguín, M., Pérez-Sales, P., Hildenbrand, A., Custodio, E., Vargas, G., Baca, N., Corveleyn, J., & De Haene, L. (2019). Psychosocial and community assessment of relatives of victims of extra-judicial killings in Peru: Informing international courts. Torture Journal, 28(1), 16–35.

Sleep deprivation does not work: Epidemiology, impacts and outcomes of incidental and systematic sleep deprivation in a sample of Palestinian detainees

Sehwail, M., Pérez-Sales, P., Rasras, K. M. ., Sehwail, W., Guasch, A., & Galan, A. (2019). Sleep deprivation does not work: Epidemiology, impacts and outcomes of incidental and systematic sleep deprivation in a sample of Palestinian detainees. Torture Journal, 28(2), 56–69.

El limbo de la frontera. Impactos de las condiciones de la acogida en la Frontera Sur española

Grupo de Acción Comunitaria. (2022). El limbo de la frontera. Impactos de las condiciones de la acogida en la Frontera Sur española [The limbo of the border. Impacts of reception conditions on Spain’s southern border]. Irredentos Libros.