Professional Data

Short Curricula

Degree in Medicine (University of Barcelona, 1987). Specialist in Psychiatry (Hospital La Paz, Madrid, 1994). PhD in Psychiatry (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 1994).

Consultant. Department of Psychiatry (Hospital Universitario La Paz – Madrid) (since 1996).

Contributed to different popular organizations in Latin America since 1988.

Founder and Coordinator of the Community Action Group – Mental Health and Human Rights Resource Center [1997-2012].

Clinical Director of the SiR[a] Network for Assessment and Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence.

Director of the Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health in Political Violence and Catastrophes (GAC-Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Residential [Since 1990] and at a Distance [since 2000] version.

Former Chair, Section of Psychological Consequences of Persecution and Torture, World Psychiatric Association (2015-2019)

Editor-in-Chief. Torture Journal

Forensic expert in national and international courts for victims of mistreatment and violence (since 1996). Litigation in European Court of Human Rights, InterAmerican Court of Human Rights among others

. Trainer in Forensic documentation of ill-treatment and torture. Istanbul Protocol (since 2004).

Degree in Medicine (University of Barcelona / Universidad de Barcelona, 1987). Specialty in Psychiatry (Hospital La Paz, Madrid, 1994). PhD in Psychiatry (Autonomous University of Madrid / Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 1994).

Consultant. Department of Psychiatry (Hospital Universitario La Paz – Madrid) (since 1996).

Regional Mental Health Department. Ministry of Health. Nicaragua (Estelí, Region of las Segovias) (1987-1989) – Clinical and Community Work.

Collaboration in different popular organizations in El Salvador and Guatemala (1989-90) related to mental health and human rights areas.

.Advisor and working team – Report ‘Guatemala Never Again’/”Guatemala Nunca Mas” – Office of Human Rights of the Bishop of Guatemala (1989-90).

Consultant to the Psychosocial Area of the Truth and Reconciliation Comission of Peru.

Visiting Professor of Anthropology at the Catholic University of Temuco (Chile) (1995-1998). Member of the Centre for Research and Promotion of Human Rights (CINPRODH)

Visiting Professor, among others, in the Jose Simeon Cañas University (El Salvador) [2001], the Universidad Nacional San Carlos (Guatemala) [2002], University of Pennsylvania (USA) [2005], University of El Bosque (Colombia) [2007], Universidad Nacional (Colombia) [2009], Universidad Pontificia (Peru) [2008], Universidad Nacional de la Republica (Montevideo) [2012], Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico) [2017] teaching or coordinating modules on psychosocial work in political violence and community disaster management, psychotherapy and care for victims.

Associate Researcher – Human Rights Center Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez (Mexico DF, 2001)

Advisor of the Ethics Committee of the Movement of Victims of State Crimes in Colombia. Consultant – Comprensive Care of Victims Bill –  – Ministry of Social Protection [2009-2010]

Director of the Postgraduate degree on Mental Health in Political Violence and Catastrophes (250 h) (GAC – Universidad Complutense de Madrid). [since 1990]

Director Post Graduate Degree on Psychosocial Work in War and Political Violence (On-Line Training 450 h) [1994-2014]

Regularly teaching, among others, at the National University of Distance Education (UNED, 2001-2007), University Carlos III of Madrid (2002), University Complutense of Madrid (2001), University of Alcalá de Henares (since 1999) and Autonomous University of Barcelona (since 2007)

Founder and Coordinator of the Grupo de Accion Comunitaria / Community Action Group -Resource Center of Mental Health and Human Rights [1997-2012].

Coordinator of the Mental Health Group of ‘Médicos del Mundo’ (Doctors of the World) (1998-2002) implementing and supervising programs in Chiapas, El Salvador, Palestine, Kosova or Sri Lanka. Colaborator of ‘Entrepobles’, Association against Torture, International Peace Brigades, CEAR and Amnesty International.

– Psychosocial Health Technician Medicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) – Doctors without Borders – Spain (2001-2004), implementing and supervising programs in Spain, Morocco, Ecuador, Colombia.

Member of the Task Force of the Inter Agency Standing Comitee (IASC) on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency settings. Member of the Drafting Group and coordinator of the Spanish version edition.

Consultant to the World Health Organization on Human Violence and Emergencies and Catastrophes. Member of the International Advisory Group for the HESPER Program (Elaboration of an international consensus tool for the detection of the needs of refugees and siplaced populations (World Health Organitzation-Psychiatric Institute-London). Consultant for the Rapid Assessment in Emergencies Program (WHO Assessment Toolkit), Handbook of Psychosocial First Aid Procedures in Emergencies (PFA-Guide) and Essential Kit of psychotropic drugs in emergencies (Interagency Basic Emergency Kit – Psychiatry). UNICEF Consultant for Installation of Friendly Spaces in Disaster Areas (Child Friendly Space in Emergencies).

Associate editor of Intervention – International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict (2003-2019)

– Expert Advisor to the National Mecanism for Prevention of Torture (NPM) – Spain (OPCAT). Office of the Ombudsman. (Since 2010). Multidiciplinary Visits to internment and detention centers in Spain (Centres for Minors, Reform Centres, Prisons, Psychiatric Internment Centers).

. Advisor to the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture of the Republic of Nicaragua (2014-2016), Ecuador (2016), Mexico (2018) and Brazil (2015-2019). Documentation of cases, training, supervision and visits to detention centers

– Member of the Working Group for the Istambul Protocol Supplementation Guideline (2017)

.  Member of the Working Group on Developing Guidelines on Non-Coercive Interviewing and Associated Safeguards (2017-)

– Founding Member and President (2008-2010) of the Human Rights Section of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry.

– Elected member of the Board of the International Society for Health and Human Rights (ISHHR) (2011-2017)

– Board Member (2014-2015) and Chair, Section of Psychological Consequences of Persecution and Torture, World Psychiatric Association (2015-2018)

Forensic expert in national and international courts for victims of mistreatment and violence (since 1996). Litigation in European Court of Human Rights, InterAmerican Court of Human Rights among others

. Trainer in Forensic documentation of ill-treatment and torture. Istanbul Protocol (since 2004).

Clinical Director of the SiR[a] Network for Assessment and Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence.

Editor-in-Chief. Torture Journal